
2024-05-06 13:44:05 来源:坤龙文学 点击:12
1、那一点一滴从指间流走,却无力挽回。 That bit by bit from the flow between the fingers, but unable to retrieve. 2、时间被轻轻踏碎,再也无法拼接完全。 Time is gently broken, can no longer be completely stitched together. 3、我习惯了孤单,是因为习惯了等你。 I'm used to being alone, because I'm used to waiting for you. 4、我想做个美美的梦,然后在梦里死掉。 I want to have a beautiful dream and die in it. 5、早知结果是如此,我何必紧拉你不放手。 If I had known the result, why should I hold on to you. 6、找不到人陪我孤单,就一个人狂欢。 If I can't find someone to accompany me, I'll be alone. 7、我有着爱笑的习惯也有着伤感的本性。 I have a habit of laughing and a sentimental nature. 8、年轻只有一次,幼稚却可能总伴随着你。 Young only once, naive may always accompany you. 9、担心你的未来没有我,可那又怎样。 Worry about your future without me, but so what. 10、寂寞染上了毒瘾,思念停在了奈何桥。 Lonely infected with drug addiction, Miss stopped in Naihe bridge. 11、一辈子没有多久,能在一起不容易! Not long in my life, it's not easy to be together! 12、站在没有你的空城,我在等谁的回眸。 Standing in the empty city without you, I'm waiting for who's looking back. 13、当一切都成为习惯,就没有所谓的孤单。 When everything becomes a habit, there is no loneliness. 14、只要你愿意,我可以一直在你身边。 As long as you like, I can always be by your side. 15、这个冬天没有了你的怀抱,格外的冷。 This winter without your arms, especially cold. 16、明天过后,我们又还能记得些什么。 What else can we remember after tomorrow. 17、夜里梦中蔓延,覆盖了我所有的无奈。 Night dream spread, covering all my helplessness. 18、咬住嘴唇,忍住不要让眼泪坠落。 Bite your lips and hold back your tears. 19、用一杯水的单纯,面对一辈子的庞杂。 With a glass of water of simplicity, facing a lifetime of miscellaneous. 20、害怕想象分开,是无爱还是舍不得离开。 Afraid to imagine separation, is no love or reluctant to leave. 21、我觉得快乐很难分享,只有偷着乐。 I think it's hard to share happiness. It's just to have fun. 22、醉的人们举起酒杯,笑得眼里全是泪。 Drunk people hold up their glasses and smile with tears in their eyes. 23、爱情只是个泡沫,脆弱得一触即破。 Love is just a bubble, fragile and broken. 24、亲爱。别让现实蒙蔽咯,我们的双眼。 dear. Don't let reality blind us. 25、最黑的黑是背叛,最痛的痛是原谅。 The most black is betrayal, the most painful pain is forgiveness. 26、嘴角旳微笑始终掩饰不住生命旳卑微。 The smile at the corner of the mouth can not hide the lowliness of life. 27、我们总站的那么高,却卑微了爱情。 Our terminal so high, but humble love. 28、我们可以分开,却永远无法彼此忘怀。 We can be apart, but we can never forget each other. 29、—有些事,我们在乎了又能怎样。 There are some things that we care about. 30、只要不去想,肤浅的快乐其实很容易。 As long as you don't think about it, superficial happiness is easy. 31、距离会使感情淡化,友情也一样。 Distance weakens feelings, so does friendship. 32、不要打扰我的生活,我的生活没有你。 Don't disturb my life. My life is without you. 33、祝你此后,一夜无梦,一生无我。 I wish you a night without dreams and a life without me. 34、我说我们是一个圆,走了谁都是残缺。 I said that we are a circle, who is incomplete after leaving. 35、无法靠近的人,无法完成的事情。 People who can't get close, things that can't be done. 36、都已经结束了,我怎么还惦记那个梦。 It's all over. How can I still miss that dream. 37、分手时,请告诉我是不是我不够好。 When you break up, please tell me if I'm not good enough. 38、我害怕看着你老去,而我却无能为力。 I'm afraid to see you grow old, but I can't do anything about it. 39、我不会因为别人的一句话就放弃他。 I won't give up on someone else's words. 40、原来除了记忆外,什么也不能永久。 It turns out that nothing is permanent except memory. 41、没有谁离不开谁,离不开的只有影子。 No one can't do without who, only the shadow. 42、你我在雨中穿行,谁又失了谁的命。 You and I walk through the rain, who lost their lives. 43、我在你的心里,难道谁都能取代我吗? I am in your heart, can anyone replace me? 44、女人是麻烦,男人就喜欢自找麻烦。 Women are trouble, men like to trouble themselves. 45、我们终将分离,带着彼此给予的伤痕。 We will be separated, with the scars we give each other. 46、我想撕碎却舍不得,被撕碎的心已麻醉。 I want to tear but reluctant to give up, the torn heart has been anesthetized. 47、留下悲伤的这滴泪,我忽然想起了你。 Leaving this sad tear, I suddenly think of you. 48、终于知道你的世界多余的是什么,是我。 Finally know what's redundant in your world, it's me. 49、走了不再回头,回头只能说自己太弱。 Go no longer look back, can only say that they are too weak. 50、不要拿过去的记忆,来折磨现在的自己。 Don't take the memory of the past to torture the present. 51、你走的无影踪,我每个念头都落空。 You have gone without a trace, and every thought of me has been lost. 52、你的前半生写满了潦草,于是你想算了。 The first half of your life is full of scribbles, so you want to forget. 53、一个人不孤单,想一个人才会孤单。 A person is not lonely, think of a person will be lonely. 54、一切的一切终究回到了原点,开始重来。 After all, everything has returned to the origin and started to start again. 55、你以为你是谁,还不是键盘上的字母。 Who do you think you are, not the letters on the keyboard. 56、不想再一次的失去就不要再一次的拥有。 Don't want to lose again, don't have it again. 57、忘了那幼稚的誓言,现实不存在永远。 Forget that naive oath, reality does not exist forever. 58、她是你的最爱?那我是你的什么。 She's your favorite? What am I to you. 59、真爱,是传说中的比见鬼还要少的事。 True love is less than the ghost in the legend. 60、我知道你会回来,所以我不曾离开。 I knew you would come back, so I never left.




